Get a loaf of this!


A new ‘Surplus to Purpose’ initiative at Samworth Brothers aims to divert as much surplus food as possible to feed people, rather than being used as animal feed or even going to waste. A pilot project at our Saladworks bakery has delivered very positive results.

In the first quarter of the year, Saladworks have redistributed more food than in the whole of 2023. Food from the production process that is not suitable as a finished product is provided to food redistribution organisations Company Shop and FareShare, and on to charities or community kitchens and cafés.

‘Surplus to Purpose’ Project Manager Rafal Brzezinski is now also working with Melton Foods, one of our Food to Go bakeries, with the creation of the ‘Crustworthy’ loaf, pictured above. This is made entirely of loaf crusts that are not used in production. The loaves are packaged and made available for free in the Company Shop.

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